Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What's All the Commotion About?

The past two mornings Riley has been driving me crazy, like really crazy. She barks like a maniac, howls out the sun room window (in true beagle style) and scratches and whines at the back door. At first I thought she just had issues.... then I saw what she saw.

Do you see it?? Not our lovely swimming pool or our lovely pool leaf scooper-outer. That tiny little black thing on the neighbor's roof. Need a closer look?

Yep, there has been a C-A-T (don't say it out loud or else Riley will get upset again) hanging out on the roof that overlooks our back yard. Riley does not approve. And as hard as she may try, her little toothpick legs just can't propel her sausage-sized body on top of that roof. Poor thing. And that mean cat likes to taunt her by glaring down and flapping its tail. I honestly think it is saying "nanny nanny boo boo, stick your head in doo-doo"... come to think of it, I don't think Riley would mind that too much, dogs do like poop ya know. Anyway, later in the day that mean kitty continues the torture my poor dog by walking along the top of the fence. Riley-no-likey.

So, what should I do about our C-A-T (ssshhhhh) problem? Be the crazy lady and bang some pots and pans in the backyard? Let Riley keep thinking she can make it on the roof? Borrow a bb gun from the little boy across the street? (ok, that one is a joke, I am a lover of all animals. Unless bugs and snakes and creeply-crawly things count as animals. I don't love them).


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