Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Green to Clean

So on this coooold February day I couldn't help but daydream about how nice it will be when summer comes around and we get to go for a swim in our pool!! The pool has come quite a long way from when we first bought the house.  I soooo wish I had a good before picture of the pool for you, but just imagine something along these lines...

The pool was bad, REAL bad.  When we first looked at the house in April, it was hazy green and you could still see the bottom.  By the time we bought it in September it was like something out of a movie!  Completely black and covered in tadpoles/frogs.  The owners hadn't touched it for at least 6 months and it was just rotten.  

So we had a few options.  Drain it and pressure wash the entire thing, refill with clean water and start from scratch, OR dump as much chlorine in as we can get our hands on and hope for the best.  We decided to try our luck with the chlorine.  So off me and my dad went to go fill up the back of his truck with jugs of chlorine.  12 jugs later... Voila!!  Tadpole massacre!  We scooped out thousands of those suckers.  And to our surprise the pool was now a hazy greyish bluish color.  It worked!!!  Then the pool filter bit the dust...


And by the looks of it, we were expecting that.  So after a looong search we found a guy on Craigslist who knew a guy who knows a guy, we got a brand new filter for almost $200 less than retail.  Score!! Hooked that bad boy up and after dumping in another 6 jugs of chlorine this is what we had!


Woohoo!  Time to go swimming!  So we jumped in as soon as the coast was clear and the pool didn't reek of chlorine and the levels were no longer toxic.  Sooo refreshing!  Just ask Riley!  


She may not have been too happy about being thrown in the pool, but I think she enjoyed it. Ha!  Cannot wait til its warm out again and we get our turn!


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